Dial 2-1-1 if you need help with housing, healthcare, transportation or other personal issues. 211 LA is your locally based, nonprofit guide to the services & information you need to navigate life in Los Angeles.
Department of Mental Health
Phone: 800-854-7771
Website: https://dmh.lacounty.gov/get-help-now/ -
PICO Neighborhood Council Wilshire Vista Representative
Email: wilshirevista@piconc.comDestination Pico is a volunteer organization of neighbors and business owners coming together to make the area a walkable, vibrant, and welcoming destination between Fairfax and Cochran avenue.
Website: www.piconc.com/destination-pico -
Preferential Parking Permits: Visit LADOT to apply for an annual, visitor, or guest permit.
Slow Street Repairs: Email photo and location of damage to LADOT ladot.centraldistrict@lacity.org
In any life threatening emergency: Dial 9-1-1
Non-Emergency Police Response: 1-877-ASK-LAPD (1-877-275-5273)
Non-Emergency Fire Response: 213-978-3800
Wilshire Community Police Station Front Desk: 213-473-0476
Senior Lead Officer - Adam Green
Phone: 213-793-0647
Email: 30948@lapd.lacity.org
Council Office - District 10 - Council Member Heather Hutt
Office: 213-473-7010
Email: heather.hutt@lacity.org
Website: https://cd10.lacity.gov/
Council Deputy - Mayra Guevara
Email: mayra.guevara@lacity.org
City Hall
For requests such as bulky item pickup, pothole repair, graffiti removal, encampment concerns, tree trimming, trash bin replacement, and sidewalk repair: Dial 3-1-1 or create a request online.